If they could put one thing on my tombstone, it would be Complications.... that word pretty much defines my life. Decided to take Sam to the mall on my day off.... day off. Ha! Good one! So we go shopping with money burning in my pocket. Guess what I get... lunch. Oh, and movie tickets for me and Sam. It was so depressing that we went to see Baby Mama. I'm pretty sure that at one point in my life I claimed that I would rather shoot myself in the foot than go to that movie. Okay, so I might have a limp the rest of my life.
We did what all girls do when going to the mall - we tried on prom dresses at Deb and took pictures of them. SO much fun! I can honestly say that we had a really fun time. I enjoy Sam's company a lot. She's a good kid. She took me to the scary places (Abercrombie & Fitch... Hollister....) and I took her to Hot Topic and Spencers. Oooh, frightening! Again, didnt get anything. Guess I am pickier than I thought.
Shut up, it was a joke.

So we go back to the car so we can end our fun outing. Car wont start. I try it again. A few times. Then it starts to rain. I call my dad and he listens to the grinding noises the poor thing makes. He says it (most likely) isnt my fault. Okay... so now what? The family is over an hour away at the lake house, I've got Sam in my car, I dont know anyone here.... Taxi? Oh no. I do something worse. I have Sam call her mom. Footnote: Mike told me that under no circumstances should I ever talk to Sam's mom. I guess she is Satan in human form or something. I dont know what else to do. Sam's mom comes and picks us up, leaving the P.O.S. in the parking lot. We go back to Sam's house for a little bit. Turns out Sam's mom is totally nice. Whether it is all an act (like Carrie said it would be) or not, I have no idea. But she really did me a favor. She even drove me out of her way back to the house. So she's okay in my book.

Duck deserves to die. I take him out for a bit so he can get some fresh air and he leaps from my hands and hauls ass behind the entertainment center. This thing is huge. No way that I can move it. I try in vain for twenty minutes to get the bird to come out. Finally I decide that he wrote his own death warrant and I am going to take a shower. I go back to my room after my shower to get dressed and go back to the bathroom to put my contacts in. Guinness (the cat) is sitting on the toilet... I apologize for disturbing him, but he looks suspicious. I shoo him out and find that damn duck hiding behind the toilet. Now he's back in his "cage" while I try to keep the cat away from him. I hate him.
It's raining pretty badly. Hope everyone remains safe inside!
Have a great night!
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