Sunday, June 22, 2008

I put toe socks on my hands.

Well the family is back. Both Carrie and Mike are sick with (supposed) food poisoning so I entertained the kids. On my day off. Again. Tomorrow we are all going biking. I figure I clocked in eight miles over the past two days. Not bad for someone who hasnt been on a bike in forever. I'm more of a rollerblades girl. But ever since that fall... I'm too scared to go downhill.
My friends and I have been talking about how nobody can get into a relationship over the summer because we know that stuff wont last. A couple made lists of their dream partner. It got me thinking. I mean, I've been attracted to a multitude of guys with various interests and looks... I've never been into a guy who is really into his body. And punctuality is key. I like being the first to things (I'm usually ten minutes early to class and feel like crap if I'm not) and if someone is late it is like a slap in the face to me. Humor is a big thing as well. I have a ... different sense of humor. The same as my dad. I guess what they say is true... you go for a guy like your dad. My Dad has a lot of great qualities, and I wouldnt mind finding someone with them. I dont think I could ever marry someone that my parents and brother didnt approve of. But my Dad's approval means a lot to me. So to illustrate, I'll use some pictures. If you find a guy with even a quarter of these qualities, PLEASE give me a call (Mom, if you say Aaron Brown, I swear I will never speak to you again. Haha.)
The ability to pull of glasses and amazing hair of David Tennant
The comedic timing and brains of Justin Bartha
The quirkyness of Russell Brand
Manners and integrity. Ability to make me laugh. Awesome chef would be a bonus. I love a well made cheesecake. Haha. I dont want the crazy rebel or the captain of the football team. A smart, funny guy that I can bring home to my parents is on the top of the list. I used to think that I wanted to be treated like a princess... I'd just like to be treated with respect. Thats the list!

Have a great night.

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