I think that I expect too much out of people. I mean, here are Carrie and M

ike, preparing to get married in a month, and based off my experience I dont think they should. I was lucky enough to be raised with two parents who loved each other. I honestly dont think I have ever heard them raise their voices to the other. They are just perfect for each other. So when I compare my parents relationship to others around me, they just dont compare. And it sucks because I would LOVE to have what my parents have. But I dont think that it will ever happen. Never fight with some

one? How do they do it? I LIKE to fight. I like to get in someone's face and duke it out. I would never do it maliciously, but you know how some people just like to argue? I'm one of those people. And I'm damn good at it, which makes it even more fun. I like to make people have to catch themselves. I guess it isnt fighting though, because that is with the intention of hurting someone... I dunno, I hope you understand what I mean.
So much stuff got fried because of the storm... the washer doesnt work, along with the television upstairs and the fridge is on the fritz. The middle part where the door comes is burning hot all the time and the technician said that they will be able to fix it within two weeks... but we should take everything out of it and unplug it. Do you know how much food needs to be cold? All the good stuff! So now I h

ave no eggs for french toast, no cheese for lasagna, and no milk for lunch. Perfect. I'll just have to make do. That's kinda been the motto this summer.... just make do.
Took the girls out to the store so that Sam could pick up whatever she wanted to drink. It was at this point that I saw how I was going to die... Sam was going to buy a Rockstar and go on an accidental murderous rampage in which I would be on the casualty list. My entire short life flashed before my eyes... In these moments I saw what I loved most... sugar... sugar... sugar... and ponies! It was a great flashback. Haha. Took the girls to th

e library so that Athena could pick out some more books. She is getting into the Child Called It series and she cant put the books down. Granted, they are amazingly written, but I dont know if they are appropriate for an 11 year old. Not my call. Went to the park and took pictures. The girls just love to model! Sam is so pretty that it is easy to take nice shots of her. And they follow direction really well. Only Audrey complained that she wasnt getting as many shots as the other girls. She probably wasnt, but the girl complains too much anyway. I let it go. Went back to the house and I took out the jello I had made earlier that day and made parfaits with it. They LOVED them! Which, you know, I liked. Athena said that she thought that I was the person with the highest cool factor she knew. I told her that the cooler you are just tells people how hard you will have to fall. I dont think she got it, but I didnt know how else to explain it. She'll understand someday. Watched Farmer

Wants a Wife. The girls actually cheered when Brooke got picked for the date. They want her to win so badly because they think that she is the most like me. Ooookay. I guess we have a lot of the same characteristics and belie

fs... but she is pretty much a model. Not that I have any problem being me. My confidence here has certainly gone up! Haha. Hard to believe that I have only been here for three weeks... I cannot wait to live with Steph and Querida and Mystery Roomie next semester. If I can make it through this with my patience intact, I can make it through anything!!! Hoping to find an animal shelter to take the girls to tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Have a great night!
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