There are no girls in this town. None. It's now a scientific fact. I researched it. The only people I now know are guys. Not that there is anything wrong with that... girls tend to be biatches anyway. Guys dont do drama as much. Nice change. So I have the three guys at the A&W, Tom at the nail place, and now this guy Eric at Blockbuster. Poor Eric... I kinda showed him up today. I know WAAAY too much about movies. And Eric knows it. So he actually had a customer come over and ask ME for recommendations for suspenseful movies. It was fun. She ended up going with Basic. A good classic choice, I believe. So yeah. Only guys. My life is turning into an episode of My Boys. At least it's not The L Word.
MapQuest sucks. I wanted KFC really badly today (I love honey mustard... it sounds so gross... just discovered it last year with my mum. Yummy!) so I mapquested it. Followed all the directions. Said it would take like 5 mins to get there. 15 mins later I am tempted to turn around, only I have no idea where I am and I'm on the highway. Finally get there. Freaked out on the way. But TOTALLY worth it! Haha. Had the guy surprise me. I got like chicken strips or something.
Been free since Thursday. Went to Get Smart. Liked it. Went to Blockbuster and picked up a multitude of dvds.... I have now seen Big Love Season 1, Carnivále Season 1, Rome Season 1, and Newsies again. Also biked 10 miles. Go me!
I feel like Dalek's are chasing me. Bonus points to whoever gets that reference!
Please, entertain me.

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