The power is back on! Yay Power Guys! I'm so glad it's back. Ugh. Torturous.
Today was... eventful. I took the girls to the mall. Audrey was hard to watch as every two minutes she would wander off or ask when we were going to Libby Lu. Goddamn you, Libby Lu... Anyway. We stopped at a bunch of stores for Sam and Athena (Aero, A&F, Deb, etc) as well as Barnes & Noble for me. I finally picked up the sequel to Twilight. Movie comes out in December... 12.12.08, actually. Easy enough to remember. So halfway through (we havent been to Libby Lu or Limited Too yet) we decide to grab a bite to eat. I go to A&W while the girls go to Taco Bell. I chat it up with the attendant guy and he convinces me to get a milkshake. I wanted to get cheese curds, but he was so sure that I would like the milkshake. I end up going to the counter three more times for random things for the other girls. The last time I am over there, Athena actually has the gumption to come over and whispers "Get his number!" as he was very cute and charming. I told her that it isnt how that works a

nd she walks over to talk to him. I oh so casually throw something shiny on the floor to distract her, grab the french fries for Sam, and bolt out of there. The next ten minutes consist of Sam and Athena looking over at the A&W giggling "He's looking at you and smiling! He's talking to his friends and smiling! Go get his number!" Poor, poor girls. They will be sorely disappointed later in life. They dont know that you have to gauge the situation, and I dont care how many times he looked at me and "smiled"... the guy HAD to have been taken. So all of a sudden I see the one person I never wanted to see again and try to hide my face with my delicious milkshake. Sam notices and goes "Oh shit..." and tells the girls to quiet down. It's the guy from the AllTel booth. I was looking at the phones and ended up with him giving me his number. In case I wanted to know prices. So that was on Saturday. I figured he wouldnt recognize me. But it wouldnt be interesting if that happened, so of course he recognizes me. He walks around the food court looking at my inconspicuous table the entire time. We leave 5 minutes later and wouldnt you know it, he follows us. I hurry the girls to the ladies room and he veers off. So now I cant go to Macy's or Old Navy anymore b/c the booth is RIGHT THERE.... dang it! This crap never happens in Duluth. I dont know if I am just more confident, dont care what others think more here so I let my "real personality" show, or if the ladies of Michigan must be dogs because I aint no ten. We go to Deb and try on prom dresses as we are required to do and then I buy tokens for the girls to go on the carousel. The thing is right in the middle of the mall and it is huge! Me being me, I decide that I want to ride on the ... Okay, so Tom is calling for the fourth time in two hours... on a weeknight... when he knows I have the girls... I'm not ans

wering... Arrugh. Again, none of this in D-Town... what does that
mean? Carousel... I ride it. Pick the biggest, ugliest horse there is because I figure he doesnt have a passenger often. Poor horsey... We go to Libby Lu and Athena spends all her money on some glitter stuff. These guys must make a killing! The parents shell out fifty bucks for their spawn to dress up like Hannah Montana and get stickers put on their faces.... GREAT idea.

We go back home and after dinner I take the girls to play tennis. I'm no pro, but I'm not that bad either. Audrey cant hit the ball to save her life so after about 15 mins of playing doubles she sits out to read a book. I try to give Athena and Sam tips and Athena starts really improving. So yay for that! Athena asks me how blind people play tennis. I say that I dont think they really can. She asks if they can play golf. I said maybe. She says that they must be really good at Marco Polo. I stifle a giggle. These girls just pop out quotes left and right. Haha.
I rollerblade (Athena uses the scooter and Sam and Audrey use bikes) over to the park not realizing how steep the hill really is. I see a bridge and hope to God that I can grab the railing to stop. Ha. Hahhahahaha. Oh, silly dreams... I totally biff it and now I'm bruised up and cant move too much without my right shoulder shooting up in pain. But thats not what I'm sad about. I've had these bracelets for a year and they mean a lot to me. They're made from special grass from Africa and they were wicked expensive. Two of them break beyond repair during impact. How, I am not sure. But they do. So now I feel naked without them. Not awesome.

e girls play at the playground for a while until about 9pm. I then take them to the ice cream shoppe, which thinking back on it probably wasnt a good

idea, but whatever. So we get there and I buy them sundaes and we sit down and just enjoy each others company for a while. This older lady with two... couldnt have been older than six year olds... starts talking to me and makes the comment "Your children are beautiful." I think I choked on my ice cream because I stuttered out that they werent mine. The lady breathes a sigh of relief and says "Oh thank goodness, because you would have been oh so young." I would have been nine! NINE! I make the joke to myself that I'm looking pretty good for poppin three kids out before I'm 21 and the lady just laughs. Ha. Sure, lady. I'm not even sure that I want kids. I like them, dont get me wrong. But having my own... I dunno.
Have a great night!
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