Driving was mainly what I did today. They have the weirdest signs and directions. I love the "Bridge May Be Slippery" sign... in the middle of summer. Thanks, guys! I'll be sure to be extra careful. Went to a Meiers (the castoff stepsibling of WalMart) and picked up a bunch of food. Now I shall feast!!!! Bought and tried Coconut Water for the first time. They had it in Spain, but I always got something else. It's not bad, but I could only have a little bit of it at a time. Then went to the mall. Slinked past Build A Bear and got lunch at the A&W. Waaay too much for a burger. I kinda went for the root beer. Big root beer fan. You work at a bar long enough, root beer is a staple, ya know? Got new headphones since the girls broke my last pair. Whatever. They dont need to last too long, so I got a crappy pair. Athena likes them better because they are "prettier". Ooookay. Also purchased something I have needed since school ended - A Belt!!! I left my favorite one in the apartment so I got one for übercheap at Aéropostale. Finally. So now I've been wearing a sweet belt and dont have to hike my pants up every ten minutes because I never eat anymore. Dang this family and their crappy eating habits. Oooh. Right now, I am going to snack on Frosted Mini Wheats that I bought because there IS NO FOOD HERE.

Venting over.
Or is it?
Nah, it really is.
Watched Farmer Wants a Wife with the girls today. Sam and Athena are obsessed, and I guess I am a little bit because I wiki the show to see who gets kicked off before we watch it. Didnt get to see The Mole today. A little disappointed. I LOVED that show years ago. But hockey is on, and Michigan is up for the Stanley Cup, so that is all the tv will be turned to. Whatever. I like hockey. Just kinda wanted to watch my show.
Took the girls to the elementary school to play on the playground. They spun me on a tire swing until I begged to get off. This coming from the girl who prides herself on being able to last hours on the Tilt-A-Whirl without a stop. Man, I am off on my game! Speaking of games, also took the girls to a baseball game. Just local, but it was great to see people outside of the house. Talked to this guy for like 20 mins. He said that I should print out business cards and hand them out to people where he lives because everyone over there is rich and looking for a nanny. He even offered me a job to watch his 14 and 11 year olds. Nice guy. Athena watched the entire game looking for guys for me. That girl is adamantly working to get me a boyfriend for the summer. Every five minutes it was "That guy looks like he is your age! Go ask him out!""That guy looks like Zac Efron! Go ask him out!"(which he actually kinda did!) "That guy is great with kids. Go ask him out!""That guy has the same camera as you! Go ask him out!" I'm not sure she even knows how old I am, and considering I look like I am twelve, I'm surprised the guys she is looking for for me dont have braces. Haha. She's a sweetheart. And she is trying. Whatever. I'll humor her.

Got some new songs....Sam and Athena wrote down songs they wanted because they got sick of listening to soundtracks. They wanted to hear Boys Like Girls, Rihanna and Metro Station. I threw in a bit of Danity Kane, Chris Brown and Daughtry to make it a full playlist. Sam loves to sing in the car. Athena decided to scream like she was dying while I was driving them back today. I'm jumpy, and I almost swerved. I calmly told her that if she didnt want us to get into an accident to never scream bloody murder ever again. She said there was a bee. Uh oh. A big bee! Oh noes! So yeah. Still alive. Haha
Have to drive Sam in tomorrow super early. Have a great day!!!!
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