Finally got to see The Dark Knight. It was pretty much everything I expected it to be. I would absolutely recommend it. Though I hope your experience does not include a screaming baby or obnoxiously loud teenagers. Took Jon with. He was 30 minutes late and we ended up going to a different show. So no points for reliability. Anyway, so we watched the movie and then I got invited to go to Kalamazoo with him. I didnt have anything else to do for the day and I thought it would be fun, so I said sure. Fun as it was, looking back on it I should have said no. Anyway, he talks the entire hour drive there and I just listen to his past antics meanwhile thinking "Oh my gosh... he was one of the guys in high school that I made fun of!" Still it was fun to hear about horrible situations that would never happen to me. And it made the hour go by quite quickly. He made a comment about his mom having called and wanting him to stop by and I was thinking "Oh, we are NOT going to your parents house... that would be more awkward than I could handle." Luckily we just went to DJ and Megan's house. (I went to her parents' house to watch fireworks on the fourth...) Turns out she is pregnant. Congrats to them. So the boys decide that we should do dinner and a movie. We go to Olive Garden and I keep thinking "I cant afford this..." so I just order something small. The entire time I sit in silence as the guys talk about the past and people I do not know and situations I dont find humorous. I keep trying to strike up a conversation with Megan, but nothing is happening. I put in a witty comment here and there, and when I get no response, I have no idea what to do. I've never been not funny before. I'm usually the outgoing one with all the jokes, but they just werent going with it. It made me even more uncomfortable because I didnt know how to act around these guys. After dinner, instead of going to the movie we had just seen the guys decide we should go bowling. Nevermind that I hate bowling. So much. I try getting out of it by saying I dont have socks (yay sandals!) but wouldnt you know it... Megan has socks in her car. Who has socks in their car?!?! We go bowling and I did horrible as always. I even went past the line on the lane and did the splits because it was so slick. I almost couldnt get up again! I had such a hard time getting my footing. And the entire time we are bowling the others arent saying anything. No cheering, no encouraging words, not even joking around. Just waiting for their turn. I was miserable. I kept trying to smile and make do, but by the time we left (11.30 pm) I just wanted to go home. We all ended up going back to DJ and Megan's house and watching the VH1 Tribute to The Who for an hour. The Who? I dont think I recognize anything they play. And they werent even the ones playing! I started to fall asleep on the couch from boredom when I think Jon realized I was either tired or bored and suggested we leave. Again we got along just fine on the way back. I listened to him talk about his ex girlfriends for the entire hour while I braced myself at every red light (I am still freaked out when others drive). My car was at his house because I couldnt leave it at the mall where we had watched the movie so we went back there. I thought I was going to hang out there for a while since he didnt say anything about my leaving and he knew I didnt have to back at any certain time. So I basically stood around while he talked to his roommate and friend for an hour. I was not acknowledged at all, nor introduced to these guys. Eventually I just said that I was going to leave, and grabbed my purse, said thanks for the fun, and left. No walk to the door, no real Cya later, nothing. I even left the two stuffed animals that he won for me at the bowling alley. Though I'm not sure if they were for me... he said "I got these for you", but that was to everyone at the table.... though he was looking at me... he looked at me a lot throughout the night. You know when you feel someone looking at you and you can see out of the corner of your eye... whatever. So I left those there. I get back home at 2.30 and was going to write him a letter saying thanks for all the fun and for taking a poor girl out on the town, so I go to his myspace to find his address or at least his last name. I look at this note that kinda stands out, and he talks about how he hung out with this girl for one night that didnt really have good social skills. This note was written almost right after us hanging out for the first time. All I could think of was Fuck You. You try being thrown into a situation where you know NOBODY and nobody makes any move to talk to you or make you feel even slightly comfortable. No social skills? Thanks for never holding the door open, introducing me to anyone, or asking me what I thought about anything. Some friend. So yeah, I'm a little upset. But at least the movie was good and I have lunch from Olive Garden tomorrow. You learn a little bit more every day, and I have learned a little bit about what my limits are today.
Have a great day!

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