Curse you, sun! The one day you decide to burn me is the one day

I wear a top outside with no back and low cut on the front. Owowowowoowowow. God doesnt want me to be tan... he wants me to get skin cancer and regret ever going outside. At least the girls had a fun time today. We did a bunch of work around the house and then got all gussied up to go to the park and take pictures. I let Sam do with me what she wanted, and the result will be shown. Also, the girls dyed my hair last night so it is a w

ee bit darker. I let them run all over me, I swear. So anyway, we went to the park to take a bunch of fun pictures then

came back, made/ate dinner and watched a movie. I braided Sam's hair in a bunch of little braids about 1/4" wide. I think I used.... 15 pony tail holders so far. And I'm maybe a quarter of the way done. Took me an hour and a half. Yikes. But she loves it, so I am going to continue working on it tomorrow. Mike and Carrie took us out for ice cream after dinner, so that was really nice (I paid for my own...). Got Key Lime. Was pretty good! On the way there was when I discovered that I was burnt. Badly. Sam joked that I was finally Caucasian instead of albino. Ha. Good one, Sam. Hope to get the girls to the pool or hiking tomorrow. Either way we need to get out of the house more. Plus I

need to stop at Blockbuster

and return a movie. JUST RETURN A MOVIE, okay? Dont judge me....
The girls and I are in the middle of watching 28 Days Later. Ha. They are so scared! It is so much fun to see them jump... but they love it. They're always asking to watch scarier and scarier movies. And as their caregiver, am I not required to show them the ways of the world? By watching scary movies they now know to not go into the barn, always make sure the safety is off, and the virgin never dies (incentive!!!)
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