Today I did hair (Sam's took a good two hours to braid).... and watched the best movie ever

...and had ice cream.... and went to Mike's birthday party after getting the girls all dressed up to impress their sadistic grandmother that calls me The Nanny and refuses to call me by name even though she knows it...and consoled my girls when their parents took out their wedding stress out on them... and snuggled with them on my bed because they couldnt sleep because their parents were yelling at each other... and got pumped at the prospect of Jennie Flanagan (nee Sundberg) moving to Duluth and possibly letting me watch over their soon to be chitlin... and photoshopped photos so that hopefully you couldnt tell how dark my hair is because I let the girls dye my hair.... sorry Dad! ... and laughed at the package I got from home....much appreciated btw.... and now I'm going to sleep....

Sam spilled spaghetti down her shirt....nice...

Bored with a camera....
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