I had to get out of the house today, I was so stir crazy. Went to the mall and just walked around window shopping. If you know me at all, you know that I canNOT window shop. I always have to buy something. Sure, I had no money, but JCPenney preapproves with credit cards.... so yeah. Didnt get one. Willpower! Tried on clothes at a bunch of places for about three hours and came back here. We leave to go to the lake house tonight. It's supposed to rain all this weekend, so I am bringing a deck of cards. Wish they had Phase 10. Fun and long game. It would keep the girls busy... I'll see what I can come up with. I need to buy some food soon so that I can stay alive. They have nothing in the fridge and they rarely eat. Breakfast at 7.30, maybe lunch, and then dinner at seven or eight. No wonder why they are so skinny!!!
Duck is still alive. He's finicky and gaining a bit of weight so I hope he keeps it up. We guess he is about a week and a half old. Must be so lonely and scared... poor thing.
Have a great weekend!!!

Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I want a cookie
I want a cookie... I want it badly... and I want it now.
I am going to lose so much weight here. How the hey do people get by on only two meals a day? Just because the family is anorexic doesnt mean I have to be.
I am going to lose so much weight here. How the hey do people get by on only two meals a day? Just because the family is anorexic doesnt mean I have to be.
~No Hitting~
Today was a bit rough. It all started out so well. I made crescent rolls as a snack for Audrey and Athena since Audrey is always SOOO HUNGRY when she gets back from school. Athena and I played Sorry until Audrey got home. We watched an episode of Farmer Wants a Wife (the girls love the show, and we're all rooting for Brooke because she is a nanny...Sam's idea) and then went outside to do some reading. I am so happy that the girls like to read. It gives me at least a half an hour of peace and quiet. Plus I get to nap on the hammock and know that they arent starting fires or killing the cat (The dang cat keeps stalking the last duckling. Poor baby....). Thursday nights are Carrie and Mike's date night so Carrie made spaghetti for us and then took off... at like 5.30. They still arent back and it is 9pm. I dont know WHAT they are doing, but whatever.
So anyway, Sam laughed at Audrey for spilling a bit of spaghetti sauce on her shirt and Audrey freaked. She went upstairs to her room and came back down when her parents left. She proceeded to sit in a chair and not look at anyone. It's a rule in the house that the girls have to eat everything on their plates before they can do anything fun and Audrey had gotten maybe five bites in before leaving. I told her that she had to finish and that I would reheat the spaghetti for her. She completely ignored me, so I went over to help Athena do the dishes. About 20 minutes passes by and Sam and Athena are having ice cream (I drank water... no ice cream til I like how I look in my bathing suit... there's a reason I'm not in any of the water pictures at the lake house) when Audrey decides to throw a pillow at Athena's head. She immediately runs upstairs and I follow calmly. I tell her that she should not throw things at her sister and that she should come down and finish her dinner. She refuses to apologize to Athena and I tell her that she can stay in her room and think about it. She comes down a few minutes later after I have thrown her dinner away looking for her food. I tell her that she had many opportunities to eat and she decided against it so I threw her food away. She proceeds to explain that I can make her something else and I tell her that she had dinner that her mother made for her and she didnt want it. That was her chance. She goes back up to her room, writes me a letter and throws it down the stairs to me since she is not allowed to come downstairs. The letter is as follows:
Dear Jacky, you realy are hurting my feelings right now but i'm sorry the way I was acting today and I am very sorry how I trough the pillow at Sam and Athena and Jacky I am really hungry right now but I probly dont desurve anything like that, but I realy hope you forgive me? (curcle) yes or no
I didnt read it until about 5 mins ago, and I feel so badly... but anyway.... A little while later she asks me to tuck her in and I do and I cuddle with her and tell her that tomorrow will be better. I'm really not sure what to do with her. She really does get the short end of the stick and she just doesnt know how to take out her anger. None of the girls do. They hit and yell and mimic each other. I hope they will follow my "no hitting" rule, and I'm gonna be damn strict on that. I do not believe in hitting kids, and they should not hit each other. So yeah.... then Sam and Athena and I watched another episode of ...cant get the bold font off.... hm... another episode of Farmer Wants a Wife... why do they love that so much?
Anyway.... have a great night everyone.
So anyway, Sam laughed at Audrey for spilling a bit of spaghetti sauce on her shirt and Audrey freaked. She went upstairs to her room and came back down when her parents left. She proceeded to sit in a chair and not look at anyone. It's a rule in the house that the girls have to eat everything on their plates before they can do anything fun and Audrey had gotten maybe five bites in before leaving. I told her that she had to finish and that I would reheat the spaghetti for her. She completely ignored me, so I went over to help Athena do the dishes. About 20 minutes passes by and Sam and Athena are having ice cream (I drank water... no ice cream til I like how I look in my bathing suit... there's a reason I'm not in any of the water pictures at the lake house) when Audrey decides to throw a pillow at Athena's head. She immediately runs upstairs and I follow calmly. I tell her that she should not throw things at her sister and that she should come down and finish her dinner. She refuses to apologize to Athena and I tell her that she can stay in her room and think about it. She comes down a few minutes later after I have thrown her dinner away looking for her food. I tell her that she had many opportunities to eat and she decided against it so I threw her food away. She proceeds to explain that I can make her something else and I tell her that she had dinner that her mother made for her and she didnt want it. That was her chance. She goes back up to her room, writes me a letter and throws it down the stairs to me since she is not allowed to come downstairs. The letter is as follows:
Dear Jacky, you realy are hurting my feelings right now but i'm sorry the way I was acting today and I am very sorry how I trough the pillow at Sam and Athena and Jacky I am really hungry right now but I probly dont desurve anything like that, but I realy hope you forgive me? (curcle) yes or no
I didnt read it until about 5 mins ago, and I feel so badly... but anyway.... A little while later she asks me to tuck her in and I do and I cuddle with her and tell her that tomorrow will be better. I'm really not sure what to do with her. She really does get the short end of the stick and she just doesnt know how to take out her anger. None of the girls do. They hit and yell and mimic each other. I hope they will follow my "no hitting" rule, and I'm gonna be damn strict on that. I do not believe in hitting kids, and they should not hit each other. So yeah.... then Sam and Athena and I watched another episode of ...cant get the bold font off.... hm... another episode of Farmer Wants a Wife... why do they love that so much?
Anyway.... have a great night everyone.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
You and Me and the Ducky Makes Three
So two of the ducklings died today. I never want to see stiff duck bodies ever again. That leaves just one left. If it dies, I dont know how the girls are going to take it.
Carrie wants me to cuddle with it tomorrow so it doesnt get lonely. No problem with that!
Carrie wants me to cuddle with it tomorrow so it doesnt get lonely. No problem with that!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I am peeling like an onion and it sucks. My entire face is red and it hurts to smile. AAAH!
Was really lazy today and while the girls were in school I watched episodes of Reaper. Such an underrated show.
Went to the mall with Carrie and Mike. They said we were going to have a talk to discuss the rules and things, but instead of really talking about anything, we looked at tuxes for Mike for the wedding. Dont get me wrong, I love shopping. But when your opinion doesnt matter, it isnt nearly as much fun. Carrie wanted Mike to have a paisley print vest. Sure, you dont really see the vest with a two button double breasted coat, but PAISLEY? Mike said he didnt care, but didnt want the paisley. Ooookay. I led them to the Calvin Klein rack and they eventually picked one out after about an hour. I thought maybe we would go for dinner or something to discuss the kids... I eventually brought it up when we were about 5 minutes from the house and just asked a few questions. Whatever... the mall is big and I got a map so that I could memorize it. But what good is going to a mall if you have no money? Sad panda...
Audrey is driving me insane. I'll ask her to do something that she is supposed to do, like clean the litter box, and she bitches and moans about it, taking a half hour longer than she is supposed to do. I asked Mike and Carrie what I could do to get her to listen to me more. They said they didnt care what I did. I could put her in time out, I could ground her, I could even give the other girls treats and not her so that she would be left out.... Odd tactics, but if they work....
I'm going to watch Weeds now as I couldnt with Audrey perched on my shoulder... sex and bad language. Not optimal for a 7 year old!
Was really lazy today and while the girls were in school I watched episodes of Reaper. Such an underrated show.
Went to the mall with Carrie and Mike. They said we were going to have a talk to discuss the rules and things, but instead of really talking about anything, we looked at tuxes for Mike for the wedding. Dont get me wrong, I love shopping. But when your opinion doesnt matter, it isnt nearly as much fun. Carrie wanted Mike to have a paisley print vest. Sure, you dont really see the vest with a two button double breasted coat, but PAISLEY? Mike said he didnt care, but didnt want the paisley. Ooookay. I led them to the Calvin Klein rack and they eventually picked one out after about an hour. I thought maybe we would go for dinner or something to discuss the kids... I eventually brought it up when we were about 5 minutes from the house and just asked a few questions. Whatever... the mall is big and I got a map so that I could memorize it. But what good is going to a mall if you have no money? Sad panda...
Audrey is driving me insane. I'll ask her to do something that she is supposed to do, like clean the litter box, and she bitches and moans about it, taking a half hour longer than she is supposed to do. I asked Mike and Carrie what I could do to get her to listen to me more. They said they didnt care what I did. I could put her in time out, I could ground her, I could even give the other girls treats and not her so that she would be left out.... Odd tactics, but if they work....
I'm going to watch Weeds now as I couldnt with Audrey perched on my shoulder... sex and bad language. Not optimal for a 7 year old!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Okay.... this is mainly going to be a place where I get to vent about my daily life. May not be fun, may not be extraordinary, but it's mine.
The players in this casting:
Without going into labor I have become the mother of three girls.
Athena - 11 - She is the one that I am mainly in charge of. Her dad decided that he only wanted to pick her up for one week out of the summer (he is newly married and the mom hates Athena), so she'll be here almost all the time. She is absolutely adorable and is the spitting image of her mom. A petite nymph, she would forget her head if I didnt remind her where it was. Always there with a smile. She makes sure that she is the first one to give me a hug in the morning and the last one to give me a hug at night. I absolutely adore her, but this may change as time goes on. I have come to learn that Athena + Mountain Dew do not mix well. Her parents think she has ADHD and she has a hard time focusing on what I am trying to teach her.
Sam - 13 - This girl does not look 13. When I first met her, I knew that she was a bit of a diva. She tends to be very disrespectful and she lies quite a bit. But she is so much fun to be around. She is a BAD influence with me! She is a lot more vulnerable and hurt than she tends to let on. Her mother is supposed to have custody of her Thursday nights during the school year and every other week during the summer, but she only picks her up about 40% of the time. Sam loves clothes and is a great singer. She is singing Tim McGraw for a solo competition and she really is good. A little pitchy, but I think she'll be great at it.
Audrey - 7 - Audrey is going to be the death of me. I feel so sorry for her but can't stand her at the same time. Because she is quite a bit younger than her sisters she is often made fun of and left behind. Her sisters constantly mock her and she often has to play alone. Audrey is very clingy and the day I met her she proclaimed me to be her best friend. She likes to be hung upside down and a good piggyback will calm her when her sisters are mean to her. She hovers whenever I am doing something and she loves to talk to me while I am reading. She makes noises that I am not fully sure are human and she is extremely spoiled.
Carrie - Late 30s - The mother of Audrey and Athena, but they are only half sisters. Carrie is very nice and easygoing. She has tried to be accommodating (no mushrooms or peppers in anything. Yay!) It seems like she kinda ignores her kids quite a bit and she tends to use them. She sometimes has double standards and the kids tend to call her out on it. But overall she is extremely sweet and has tried to make me feel comfortable here.
Mike - Late 30s - Something in his past has made him bitter. It could be because his wife cheated on him with his best friend and told his daughter that she didnt want anything to do with her. You can tell Mike loves Sam, but he doesnt show nearly the same affection with Audrey and Athena. He tends to yell a bit and is the commanding officer of the house. He likes to joke around and we have a similar humor. He has never said anything mean to me nor has he made me wary of him. He seems like he is trying, but just not getting it. I dont think he likes being a dad to two kids he doesnt "have".
Guinness - 2 - Devil Spawn. I'm usually good with animals. But Guinness is EvIL. He hisses and growls and moans... and expects me to give him treats. He eats tomatoes and has full rule of the house. The girls often forget to give him water so he drinks out of the toilet. I have yet to pet him.
Hudsonville, MI - A tiny town with a bank, a library, and that is about it. Everything is within walking distance and there is nobody here. The largest mall in Michigan is about 15mins away, and the town is said to be the safest in the state. It is beautiful, dont get me wrong. It's just hard to go from Duluth to this. The house is smaller inside than it looks, but I have my own room and I am starting to learn where everything is, especially the ice cream.
The Lake House - The house that Mike built. Absolutely beautiful. On an amazing lake with really nice neighbours. Full house speakers, including on the deck. The kitchen is a dream, and the bathroom has skylights. The activities include swimming in a weed free part of the beach, pontooning, hopping on the speedboat, tubing, cooking and napping in the sun. The family goes here every weekend.
More to come!!!!
The players in this casting:
Without going into labor I have become the mother of three girls.
Athena - 11 - She is the one that I am mainly in charge of. Her dad decided that he only wanted to pick her up for one week out of the summer (he is newly married and the mom hates Athena), so she'll be here almost all the time. She is absolutely adorable and is the spitting image of her mom. A petite nymph, she would forget her head if I didnt remind her where it was. Always there with a smile. She makes sure that she is the first one to give me a hug in the morning and the last one to give me a hug at night. I absolutely adore her, but this may change as time goes on. I have come to learn that Athena + Mountain Dew do not mix well. Her parents think she has ADHD and she has a hard time focusing on what I am trying to teach her.
Sam - 13 - This girl does not look 13. When I first met her, I knew that she was a bit of a diva. She tends to be very disrespectful and she lies quite a bit. But she is so much fun to be around. She is a BAD influence with me! She is a lot more vulnerable and hurt than she tends to let on. Her mother is supposed to have custody of her Thursday nights during the school year and every other week during the summer, but she only picks her up about 40% of the time. Sam loves clothes and is a great singer. She is singing Tim McGraw for a solo competition and she really is good. A little pitchy, but I think she'll be great at it.
Audrey - 7 - Audrey is going to be the death of me. I feel so sorry for her but can't stand her at the same time. Because she is quite a bit younger than her sisters she is often made fun of and left behind. Her sisters constantly mock her and she often has to play alone. Audrey is very clingy and the day I met her she proclaimed me to be her best friend. She likes to be hung upside down and a good piggyback will calm her when her sisters are mean to her. She hovers whenever I am doing something and she loves to talk to me while I am reading. She makes noises that I am not fully sure are human and she is extremely spoiled.
Carrie - Late 30s - The mother of Audrey and Athena, but they are only half sisters. Carrie is very nice and easygoing. She has tried to be accommodating (no mushrooms or peppers in anything. Yay!) It seems like she kinda ignores her kids quite a bit and she tends to use them. She sometimes has double standards and the kids tend to call her out on it. But overall she is extremely sweet and has tried to make me feel comfortable here.
Mike - Late 30s - Something in his past has made him bitter. It could be because his wife cheated on him with his best friend and told his daughter that she didnt want anything to do with her. You can tell Mike loves Sam, but he doesnt show nearly the same affection with Audrey and Athena. He tends to yell a bit and is the commanding officer of the house. He likes to joke around and we have a similar humor. He has never said anything mean to me nor has he made me wary of him. He seems like he is trying, but just not getting it. I dont think he likes being a dad to two kids he doesnt "have".
Guinness - 2 - Devil Spawn. I'm usually good with animals. But Guinness is EvIL. He hisses and growls and moans... and expects me to give him treats. He eats tomatoes and has full rule of the house. The girls often forget to give him water so he drinks out of the toilet. I have yet to pet him.
Hudsonville, MI - A tiny town with a bank, a library, and that is about it. Everything is within walking distance and there is nobody here. The largest mall in Michigan is about 15mins away, and the town is said to be the safest in the state. It is beautiful, dont get me wrong. It's just hard to go from Duluth to this. The house is smaller inside than it looks, but I have my own room and I am starting to learn where everything is, especially the ice cream.
The Lake House - The house that Mike built. Absolutely beautiful. On an amazing lake with really nice neighbours. Full house speakers, including on the deck. The kitchen is a dream, and the bathroom has skylights. The activities include swimming in a weed free part of the beach, pontooning, hopping on the speedboat, tubing, cooking and napping in the sun. The family goes here every weekend.
More to come!!!!
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